The ebay logo uses the three main additive primary colors otherwise known as RGB. These colors are the red, green, and blue. To form the yellow in the logo, the red and green light overlap. However, the hues, saturation, and transparency have added a lively style to the simple text. I believe that the company chose to use this logo for their image because of its diverse colors being connected through the transparency. The products you would find are sold by diverse people from different places, all on the same site.
Windows Vista uses a similar color spectrum of the RGB, as well as yellow. It seems as though companies with a wide variety of clients/customers choose to use the same additive colors in their logo. However, these four monochromatic colors seem to be in good harmony with each other because of the inner gradient glow from the center of the circle. Also, the four colors look bright and lively because they are against a dark blue circular background.
When analyzing the Google Chrome logo, I noticed that it looked very similar to that of the Windows Vista logo (It is circular and uses very similar RGB colors). However, I notice that the color of the monochromatic sphere are more like that of the original Google logo itself. This helps to maintain the company image of Google, and still have a new browser.
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